Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Heavy Duty Hair Cream

A few weeks ago I purchased the much-raved-about new hair mask by Living Proof--
The Living Proof Hair Restore Mask.
This stuff is supposed to do lots of wicked amazing things, like returning tired, dry hair to "virgin hair" (gotta love that phrasing). It is advertised as beyond far beyond a typical conditioner (and way more expensive than one, for sure). I was expecting stunning results! I recently cut about 10 inches off my hair  and wanted to help it grow back in the healthiest possible way, via the miracle of this mask. Unfortunately, after following the instructions on the back and letting my hair dry, I looked in the mirror halo shining around my hair! No miracle bounce and shine!
That isn't to say my hair didn't look great, it just didn't look as fabulous as was promised, and certainly was not worth it for that price. In defense of this mask, the tub is a generous size and the stuff has a nice texture and lovely smell and makes your hair quite soft.
But..after returning this mask to the store (I gave it 4 different chances at working, then gave up) I discovered another mask that fulfills my needs and is not as hard on my wallet.

This is Redken All Soft Heavy Cream. Look at that pretty golden tube!!
This is more affordable (it runs about $15-$18 dollars, depending where you buy) and more widely available. I prefer the tube to the pot that the other mask came in and the thickness of the product--it really sticks to your hair which makes it easy to keep on your hair for 5-10 minutes while it absorbs. I apply a little dollop of this, comb it through my hair, let it soak in (I've noticed time doesn't matter so much with this one--if you don't leave it in as long or longer than recommended there isn't much of a difference), rinse with lukewarm water and then a shot of cold (not sure if this does much but I feel like it is sealing in all the nutrients) and then let my hair air dry before taking any hot tools to it. When I use this I cannot keep my hands out of my hair and it just has a special sheen to it. I don't notice little hair splitting and flaking away when I handle/brush my hair--the hydration is remarkable. It will last you, particularly if you only use it a few times a week like I do, but I would feel comfortable using this as a daily conditioner because it doesn't feel like "too much"--you know how some products weight your hair down--this one doesn't. I'm not a Redken-aholic; I've only tried the All Soft shampoo and the Anti-Snap and was relatively happy with them. I may try other products from the line after falling in love with this Heavy Cream.
The best part is that the name truly defines the product; after using this even once your hair is ALL SOFT. I highly recommend it, especially for those like me looking to save a few bucks.

I have not been paid to endorse this or any products, or received them for free (I wish!!)
Happy Conditioning !

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