Thursday, February 21, 2013

PLUMP IT UP !!! Good Skin Tri-Alkaline Wrinkle Filler

Let me start by stating... this stuff is not cheap.
And you don't get much. This tube may look huge but it is like.. an ounce.
But luckily, it lasts because a little goes a long way. And, even better, it works !
It usually runs about $45, but grab it on ebay for $20 or less.
The package keeps the ingredients stable, so shipping and all will be easy and safe.

I dab this under my eyes and on the wrinkles between my eyebrows 3, maybe 4 nights a week.
I notice an immediate difference, and it carries over to the next morning when I look less tired and cranky (those eyebrow crinkles just make me look angry, ya know??).

It does not have a smell, nothing unpleasant.  I just squeeze a tiny amount (less than a dime-size..more like a pinky-nail-size!) onto my ring finger and tap it into the wrinkles, or I will squeeze it directly under my eyes in a quick swoop, leaving a line of the stuff, and then tap it in.

It is water and silicone based, and packed with antioxidants and other goodies.  So even if it doesn't make your wrinkles disappear, it is helping your skin out.

I've even put it on during the day (usually when I've had a late, tipsy night).  I moisturize, apply this, and once it dries and sets (like 45 seconds), you can apply concealer/powder, etc.  It doesn't show, although the cream is white.

It just plumps up lines.  To put it simply.  Good stuff !


  1. Wow I've been wanting to try this product for a LONG time. Will give it a try due to your post! Btw I've just discovered ur blog and it's really interesting! Would you like to follow each other? Let me know and I'll follow yours. :)

  2. Yes Marie--definitely check it out !
    Sounds good,your pictures are gorgeous!
