Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just Bitten

I love stains.

I am particularly inclined to use Benefit's PosieTint and the red one from The Balm, which has a nice doe's foot applicator. But I usually use those on my cheeks and wanted something with a bit of moisture to use on my mouth for the summer.
It is a pain in the ass to be applying lip sticks and gloss when the sun is going to melt them off, or you're going in the pool, or don't want your hair sticking to your lips when you're cruising in a convertible.

I wanted something lighter though, and fresh and innocent looking, since I already have a deep pink and deep red.
So I tried out Revlon's Just Bitten Kissbale line, the gloss/balm chubby sticks and absolutely LOVE the look. I bought the color "Charm" and it is a nudey peach.
You really can apply them and kiss someone, and they aren't the typical stain that lasts for a while but is drying--they give a nice sheen.

And it lasts a decent amount of time too! It lasted me 4 hours, and about 2-3 when I was fervently eating and drinking.  And because it is so soft and blend-able, it is easy to re-apply and I would feel comfortable doing it without a mirror.  But even after eating and drinking, I still had the nice color, it was just the sheen that was worn away.

Yes I love it, yes I will totally try other colors. Once I use up all of the stains I already have.